Import Export
“Import Export,” directed by Ulrich Seidl, is a stark and unflinching exploration of the lives of two individuals from different parts of Europe. The film follows a young Ukrainian woman who moves to Austria in search of a better life and an Austrian security guard who travels to Eastern Europe, both confronting harsh realities and cultural dislocation in their respective journeys.
Views: 41
Genre: Drama
Director: Ulrich Seidl
Actors: Ekateryna Rak, Erich Finsches, Georg Friedrich, Johannes Nussbaum, Maria Hofstätter, Michael Thomas, Natalija Baranova, Natalja Epureanu, Natalya Baranova, Paul Hofmann, Susanne Lothar
Country: Austria, France, Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine
Company: Coproduction Office, Essential Filmproduktion GmbH, Ulrich Seidl Film Produktion GmbH
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $563,513