Imaginaerum follows the journey of Tom, an aging composer afflicted with advanced dementia. Over the years, the illness has caused him to revert to a childlike state, erasing nearly all recollections of his adult experiences. His music, friendships, and even memories of his daughter have faded into obscurity within his delicate mind. What remains is the vivid imagination of a ten-year-old child. As he slips into a coma, the prospect of reclaiming his lost memories appears bleak. But is it truly beyond reach?
Views: 38
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Musical
Director: Mark Roper, Stobe Harju
Actors: Anette Olzon, Emppu Vuorinen, Francis X. McCarthy, Ilkka Villi, Jukka Nevalainen, Marco Hietala, Marianne Farley, Quinn Lord, Ron Lea, Tuomas Holopainen
Company: Caramel Film, Caramel Films, Scene Nation, Solar Films
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: 3,700,000
Worldwide Gross: $190,819
1h 26minRelease: 2012
Release Date: 2012-11-23
IMDb: 6.1
TMDB: 5.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 64%
FilmAffinity: 6.0