I’m Flash!
Rui, portrayed by Tatsuya Fujiwara, is the captivating head of a burgeoning religious movement, which soon draws the interest of the media. Following a car accident, Rui retreats to a secluded island accompanied by his bodyguard, a former gangster played by Ryuhei Matsuda. While on the island, Rui discloses further details about his religious organization, as a series of foreboding incidents loom on the horizon…
Views: 52
Director: Toshiaki Toyoda
Actors: Itsuji Itao, Kento Nagayama, Kiko Mizuhara, Mayu Harada, Ryuhei Matsuda, Shigeru Nakano, Tasuku Emoto, Tatsuya Fujiwara, Tatsuya Nakamura, Yukiya Kitamura
Country: Japan
Company: Horipro, Phantom Film, Pony Canyon
Awards: 1 nomination