This dynamic and witty comedy, adapted from popular stage productions, unfolds over the course of a single evening in an isolated pub during the Ice Hockey World Championship. The plot thickens as a bride, who has been abducted, shares drinks with her husband’s best woman and a seasoned barmaid. Meanwhile, the only person capable of resolving the chaos is nowhere to be found.
Views: 56
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jan Hřebejk
Actors: Daniela Špinar, Hana Vagnerová, Igor Orozovič, Jana Stryková, Karolína Blažková, Norbert Lichý, Ondřej Sokol, Tomáš Jeřábek, Václav Erben, Zuzana Stavná
Country: Czech Republic
Company: Frame100r, Love.FRAME
Worldwide Gross: $374,844