“Hypersomnia,” directed by Gabriel Grieco, is a psychological thriller that intertwines the world of theater with a dark, mysterious underworld. The film follows a young actress who, while preparing for a role, begins to experience vivid and disturbing dreams that blur the lines between reality and illusion, leading her to uncover a sinister secret.
Views: 39
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Gabriel Grieco
Actors: Fabiana Cantilo, Florencia Torrente, Gerardo Romano, Gustavo Garzón, Jimena Barón, Naiara Awada, Nazareno Casero, Sofía Gala Castiglione, Vanesa González, Yamila Saud
Country: Argentina
Company: Benteveo Producciones, Estudios CREPUSCULUM, Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA)
Awards: 4 wins & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $84,893