Set in the historical period of the Joseon Dynasty, the narrative centers on Namsoon (played by Ha Ji-won), a young police officer. Alongside her colleagues, she uncovers a counterfeit operation within their jurisdiction. This criminal group isn’t merely producing fake currency; they intend to destabilize the economy and overthrow the government. During her investigation, Namsoon encounters a mysterious young man known as Sad Eyes (portrayed by Gang Dong-won), whose gaze, partially obscured by his hair, captivates her despite his reticence. Although Namsoon knows she should remain professional, her curiosity about Sad Eyes grows, even though he might be a criminal. Despite the potential consequences, Namsoon finds herself increasingly drawn to him, allowing her emotions to influence her actions.
Views: 47
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mystery
Director: Lee Myung-se
Actors: Ahn Sung-ki, Bae Joong-sik, Cheal-jong Shim, Do Yong-Gu, Gang Dong-won, Ha Ji-won, Hwang Ui-doo, Jang in-bo, Song Young-chang, Sung-ki Ahn, Yoon Joo-sang
Country: South Korea
Company: Production M, Wellmade Entertainment
Awards: 4 wins & 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $6,324,945
1h 48minRelease: 2005
Release Date: 2005-09-08
IMDb: 5.8
TMDB: 6.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 33%
FilmAffinity: 5.4