Howling III
In “Howling III,” directed by Philippe Mora, the story shifts to Australia, where a unique breed of werewolves, known as marsupial werewolves, is discovered. The film blends horror and comedy as it explores themes of identity and acceptance, following a young woman who grapples with her werewolf heritage amidst a backdrop of scientific intrigue and government conspiracy.
Views: 40
Director: Philippe Mora
Actors: Barry Humphries, Barry Otto, Dagmar Bláhová, Frank Thring, Imogen Annesley, Jon Ewing, Lee Biolos, Max Fairchild, Michael Pate, Ralph Cotterill
Company: Bacanora Entertainment, Bancannia Holdings Pty. Ltd.
1h 34minRelease: 1987
Release Date: 1987-05-15
IMDb: 3.5
TMDB: 4.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 23%
FilmAffinity: 3.0