“Honeyglue” is a romantic drama that follows the transformative journey of Morgan, a young woman diagnosed with a terminal illness, who embarks on an unexpected adventure with Jordan, a gender-defying artist. As they navigate their unconventional relationship, the film explores themes of love, identity, and the fleeting nature of life.
Views: 40
Director: James Bird
Actors: Adriana Mather, Amanda Plummer, Booboo Stewart, Christopher Heyerdahl, Clayton Rohner, Faran Tahir, Fernanda Romero, Jessica Tuck, Saidah Arrika Ekulona, Zach Villa
Country: United States of America
Company: Zombot Pictures
1h 47minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-06-03
IMDb: 6
TMDB: 6.6
Rotten Tomatoes: 42%
Metacritic: 25