Holy Hell
“Holy Hell” is an outrageous and extreme tale filled with sexual deviance and gore, centered around Father Augustus Bane. This priest, driven to his breaking point, turns to a gun for solace and embarks on a mission to eliminate the criminals responsible for the deaths of his congregation. Echoing the style of recent alternative horror-comedies like “Machete” and “Hobo with a Shotgun,” this film offers a contemporary spin on the B-Movie and Exploitation film elements of the 1960s and 70s. The film aims to shatter every boundary of cinema, taste, and societal norms with a sense of anarchic joy.
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Director: Ryan LaPlante
Actors: Alyssa King, Austin Schaefer, Luke LaPlante, Michael Rawley, Rachel Ann Little, Reece Presley, Ryan LaPlante, Shane Patrick McClurg
Country: Canada
Company: Rogues Gallery Productions
Awards: 19 wins & 27 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $34,366