In “Haunter,” directed by Vincenzo Natali, a teenage girl named Lisa finds herself trapped in a time loop, reliving the day before her 16th birthday with her family in their seemingly ordinary home. As she begins to uncover the dark secrets of the house and its past inhabitants, Lisa must find a way to break the cycle and save her family from a sinister force.
Views: 58
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Vincenzo Natali
Actors: Abigail Breslin, David Hewlett, David Knoll, Eleanor Zichy, Michelle Nolden, Peter DaCunha, Peter Outerbridge, Samantha Weinstein, Sarah Manninen, Stephen McHattie
Company: Copperheart Entertainment, Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (OFTTC), Wild Bunch
Awards: 6 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,489,366
1h 37minRelease: 2013
Release Date: 2013-10-17
IMDb: 5.9
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 50%
Metacritic: 49
FilmAffinity: 4.9