Hanson and the Beast
Yuan Shuai, an animal breeder struggling with debt, attempts to solve his financial woes by seeking a rich partner through matchmaking. During this quest, he unexpectedly falls for Bai Xianchu, a fox demon who has come to the human world to express her gratitude. However, their budding romance faces a major obstacle when Yun Zhonghe, the leader of the Demon tribe, prohibits relationships between demons and humans and takes Bai Xianchu away. Determined to reunite with his beloved, Yuan Shuai courageously ventures into the demon realm.
Views: 100
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Yang Xiao
Actors: Chen Yumi, Guo Jingfei, Jiao Junyan, Li Guangjie, Liu Yifei, Michael Kai Sui, Wang Shuangbao, William Feng, Xiong Naijin, Zhang Zixian
Country: China
Company: Beijing Culture, CKF Pictures, East Way Movie
Budget: $18,500,000
Worldwide Gross: $46,154,323