Hannibal Rising
“Hannibal Rising,” directed by Peter Webber, explores the early life of the infamous Hannibal Lecter, delving into the traumatic events of his childhood during World War II that shape his transformation into a notorious serial killer. The film follows young Hannibal’s journey from a war-torn Europe to Paris, where he seeks revenge against those who wronged him and begins to embrace his dark instincts.
Views: 68
Genre: Adventure, Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Peter Webber
Actors: Aaran Thomas, Dominic West, Gaspard Ulliel, Gong Li, Helena-Lia Tachovská, Ivan Marevich, Kevin McKidd, Rhys Ifans, Richard Brake, Stephen Walters
Country: Czech Republic, France, Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Dino De Laurentiis Company, Ingenious Film Partners, Quinta Communications
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: $75,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $82,169,884
2h 1minRelease: 2007
Release Date: 2007-02-06
IMDb: 6.1
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 16%
Metacritic: 35
FilmAffinity: 5.9