Gulaab Gang
“Gulaab Gang,” directed by Soumik Sen, is a powerful drama that follows the story of Rajjo, a fearless woman who leads a group of vigilante women fighting against social injustices in rural India. The film explores themes of empowerment, corruption, and the struggle for justice as the women confront oppressive forces in their quest for equality and change.
Views: 21
Director: Soumik Sen
Actors: Divya Jagdale, Juhi Chawla, Juhi Chawla Mehta, Madhuri Dixit, Priyanka Bose, Sudev Nair, Tannishtha Chatterjee
Country: India
Company: Benaras Mediaworks, Sahara Movie Studios
Awards: 1 win & 5 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $2,457,372