Gregory’s Girl
“Gregory’s Girl,” directed by Bill Forsyth, is a charming coming-of-age comedy set in a Scottish secondary school, where awkward teenager Gregory becomes infatuated with Dorothy, the new star player on the boys’ football team. As Gregory navigates the complexities of adolescence and first love, the film humorously explores themes of youthful innocence and the unpredictability of teenage life.
Views: 38
Director: Bill Forsyth
Actors: Alan Love, Alex Norton, Chic Murray, Clare Grogan, Dave Anderson, Dee Hepburn, Jake D'Arcy, John Bett, John Gordon Sinclair, Robert Buchanan
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Lake Films, National Film Finance Corporation (NFFC), Scottish Television (STV)
Awards: Won 1 BAFTA Award, 2 wins & 3 nominations total
Worldwide Gross: $7,710
1h 31minRelease: 1981
Release Date: 1981-04-23
IMDb: 7.1
TMDB: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
FilmAffinity: 6.3