Good Burger
“Good Burger” is a comedy film that follows the misadventures of two quirky fast-food employees, Dexter and Ed, as they team up to save their small burger joint from being overshadowed by a new, flashy competitor. Through a series of humorous antics and unexpected challenges, the duo learns the value of friendship and teamwork in their quest to keep Good Burger afloat.
Views: 60
Director: Brian Robbins
Actors: Abe Vigoda, Dan Schneider, Ginny Schreiber, Jan Schweiterman, Josh Server, Kel Mitchell, Kenan Thompson, Ron Lester, Shar Jackson, Sinbad
Country: United States of America
Company: Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures, Tollin/Robbins Productions
Budget: $9,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $23,712,993
1h 35minRelease: 1997
Release Date: 1997-07-25
IMDb: 5.8
TMDB: 6.1
Rotten Tomatoes: 33%
Metacritic: 41
FilmAffinity: 4.2