Giovanni’s Island
“Giovanni’s Island,” directed by Masaki Tachibana, is an animated film that explores the poignant story of two young brothers, Junpei and Kanta, living on the small island of Shikotan in the aftermath of World War II. As they navigate the challenges of their new reality, including the arrival of Soviet forces, the brothers find solace and hope in their friendship with a Russian girl, bridging cultural divides through the power of imagination and shared dreams.
Views: 86
Genre: Animation, Drama, History
Director: Masaki Tachibana, Mizuho Nishikubo
Actors: Hiroshi Inuzuka, Junya Taniai, Kanako Yanagihara, Kaoru Yachigusa, Kota Yokoyama, Masachika Ichimura, Polina Ilyushenko, Saburo Kitajima, Tatsuya Nakadai, Yukie Nakama, Yusuke Santamaria
Country: Japan
Company: Fuji IG Laboratory for Movies (FILM), Japan Association of Music Enterprises (JAME), Production I.G
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations
1h 42minRelease: 2014
Release Date: 2014-02-22
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 7.5
Rotten Tomatoes: 78%
FilmAffinity: 6.5