Ghetto Stories
In the divided streets of Baton Rouge, two opposing factions dominate the scene. Amidst the ongoing conflict between the South and the North, Marcus Hatch (played by Lil’ Boosie) and Jai ‘Savage’ Carter (portrayed by Webbie) are rival drug dealers trying to survive. As the street war rages on, someone is bound to face the repercussions. This film delves into the personal struggles, setbacks, and moral dilemmas inherent in street life. Keep an eye out for Nicole (Hoopz) Alexander, who plays Slimm’s (Tyrin Turner, famously known as Cain from Menace II Society) romantic interest and a medical student. The movie also features rap stars Bun B and Paul Wall in supporting roles, along with appearances by Trill Entertainment’s own Foxx, Lil’ Phat, Lil’ Trill, and Big Head.
Views: 42
Director: John McDougall
Actors: Ameer Baraka, Barry D. Hunter, Boosie Badazz, Nicole Alexander, Nigel Fleary, Tyrin Turner, Van White, Webbie
Country: United States of America
Company: Trill Entertainment
Budget: $500,000