“Girls” centers on the lives of four attractive women, exploring the challenges they face in their romantic relationships and careers. Yukiko Takigawa, portrayed by Karina, is employed at a major advertising agency and is in a relationship with a handsome man. Seiko Takeda is married, childless, and works for a prominent real estate firm. Yoko Kosaka is an unmarried woman employed at a long-established stationery company. Takako Hirai is a single mother working for an automobile manufacturer.
Views: 80
Director: Yoshihiro Fukagawa
Actors: Itaya Yuka, Jun Kaname, Karina, Kento Hayashi, Kumiko Aso, Michiko Kichise, Mukai Osamu, Osamu Mukai, Rosa Kato, Yuka Itaya, Yusuke Kamiji, 吉瀨美智子
Country: Japan
Company: C&I Entertainment, Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC), Chugoku Broadcasting (RCC)
Worldwide Gross: $9,754,995