In “Frantic,” directed by Roman Polański, Dr. Richard Walker, an American physician, finds himself in a desperate search through the streets of Paris after his wife mysteriously disappears from their hotel room. As he delves deeper into the city’s underworld, he uncovers a web of intrigue and danger, forcing him to rely on an unlikely ally to unravel the mystery and find his wife.
Views: 43
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Roman Polański
Actors: Alexandra Stewart, Betty Buckley, David Huddleston, Dominique Pinon, Emmanuelle Seigner, Harrison Ford, Jacques Ciron, Jimmie Ray Weeks, John Mahoney, Yorgo Voyagis
Country: France, United States of America
Company: The Mount Company (II), Warner Bros.
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: $20,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $17,637,950
2minRelease: 1988
Release Date: 1988-02-19
IMDb: 6.8
TMDB: 6.7
Rotten Tomatoes: 77%
Metacritic: 66
FilmAffinity: 6.6