Four Corners
“Four Corners,” directed by Ian Gabriel, is a gripping drama set in the gang-ridden Cape Flats of South Africa, where the lives of four individuals—a reformed prison inmate, a chess prodigy, a local gang leader, and a doctor—intersect amidst a backdrop of violence and redemption. The film explores themes of identity, destiny, and the struggle for a better life in a community fraught with danger and hope.
Views: 59
Director: Ian Gabriel
Actors: Abduragman Adams, Brendon Daniels, Irshaad Ally, Israel Makoe, Jerry Mofokeng, Jezzriel Skei, Lindiwe Matshikiza, Sibongile Mlambo
Country: South Africa
Company: Giant Films, Moonlighting Films
Awards: 8 wins & 10 nominations
Budget: $500,000
Worldwide Gross: $36,374