Forest of Demons
In this horror-thriller from 2005, directed by Jean-Clément Gunter, a group of friends explores a sinister forest said to be inhabited by evil spirits. As they journey further, they face a succession of frightening incidents that challenge their mental stability and survival skills. The film features acclaimed actors like Isabelle Huppert and Vincent Cassel, whose performances enhance the eerie storyline. Although it didn’t win any significant awards, it has developed a cult following due to its suspenseful atmosphere and psychological horror aspects. The movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Jean-Clément Gunter
Actors: Didier Rozet, Florida de Freitas, Katia-Pia Tribolet, Mehdi Boccard, Nicolas Bickel
Country: France, Switzerland
Company: JCG Production