Food Chains
“Food Chains,” directed by Sanjay Rawal, is a documentary that delves into the harsh realities faced by farmworkers in the United States, highlighting the exploitation and poor working conditions they endure. The film follows the efforts of a group of workers as they campaign for fair wages and better treatment, shedding light on the broader implications of the food industry’s supply chain.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Sanjay Rawal
Actors: Eric Schlosser, Eva Longoria, Eve Ensler, Forest Whitaker, Kerry Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Country: United States of America
Company: Illumine Group, Two Moons Production
Budget: $913,000
1h 23minRelease: 2014
Release Date: 2014-04-26
IMDb: 7.1
TMDB: 7.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Metacritic: 62