Fighter in the Wind
“Fighter in the Wind,” directed by Yun-ho Yang, is a biographical martial arts film that follows the journey of Choi Bae-dal, a Korean man who travels to Japan with dreams of becoming a pilot but instead becomes a legendary karate fighter. Set against the backdrop of post-World War II Japan, the film explores themes of perseverance, honor, and the pursuit of one’s true calling.
Views: 52
Genre: Action, Biography, Drama
Director: Yun-ho Yang
Actors: Aya Hirayama, Fuuma Kosaka, Jeong Tae-woo, Jung Doo-hong, Kim Min-soo, Masaya Kato, Sachiko Kokubu, Seong-hwan Koo, Yang Dong-geun, Yeom Hye-ran
Country: South Korea
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: $6,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $1,518