Farewell to the King
“Farewell to the King,” directed by John Milius, follows the story of an American soldier who escapes from a Japanese firing squad during World War II and finds refuge in the jungles of Borneo. There, he becomes the leader of a native tribe and must navigate the complexities of loyalty, honor, and survival as the war encroaches on their land.
Views: 60
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, War
Director: John Milius
Actors: Aki Aleong, Choy Chang Wing, Frank McRae, Gerry Lopez, Marilyn Tokuda, Marius Weyers, Nick Nolte, Nigel Havers, Wayne Pygram, William Wise
Country: United States of America
Company: Cine Location Services, David Hannay Productions, Film Plan Financing Number 1
Budget: $20,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $2,420,917
1h 57minRelease: 1989
Release Date: 1989-03-03
IMDb: 6.2
TMDB: 5.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 55%
FilmAffinity: 6.0