Farewell Amor
“Farewell Amor,” directed by Ekwa Msangi, follows the emotional reunion of an Angolan immigrant family in New York after 17 years of separation. As they navigate their new life together, they confront cultural differences and personal struggles, finding connection through the universal language of dance.
Views: 45
Director: Ekwa Msangi
Actors: Jayme Lawson, Joie Lee, Marcus Scribner, Memo, Nana Mensah, Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine, Zainab Jah
Country: United States of America
Company: Department of Motion Pictures, Good Gravy Films, Park Pictures
Awards: 10 wins & 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $4,689
1h 35minRelease: 2020
Release Date: 2020-01-25
IMDb: 6.9
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 97%
Metacritic: 75
FilmAffinity: 6.5