Fallen Souls
“Fallen Souls” narrates the story of a young man’s transformation from seeking vengeance to finding self-awareness. This film introduces a fresh supernatural genre while incorporating classic elements of a revenge thriller, ultimately exploring the challenging path to understanding faith and unconditional love for God, family, and oneself. Dominic, a hardworking factory worker, enjoys a modest life with his ideal wife and angelic child. However, his world shatters when he discovers their brutally murdered bodies at home. Overcome with grief, Dominic takes justice into his own hands, embarking on a frantic quest through Chicago’s most dangerous slums to its elite circles, in pursuit of a murderer known as the “Silent Slasher.”
Views: 29
Director: Salvador Romello Barcena
Actors: Diana Castrillon, Eugene Beard, Joseph Luis Caballero, Kris Desautels, Raquel Barcena
Country: United States of America
Company: Knight Phoenix Productions
Budget: $100,000