“Factotum,” directed by Bent Hamer, follows the life of Henry Chinaski, a struggling writer and alter ego of Charles Bukowski, as he drifts through a series of dead-end jobs and tumultuous relationships in pursuit of his literary ambitions. The film paints a raw and gritty portrait of a man who is both self-destructive and deeply committed to his art, capturing the essence of Bukowski’s semi-autobiographical novel.
Views: 86
Director: Bent Hamer
Actors: Adrienne Shelly, Dean Brewington, Didier Flamand, Fisher Stevens, James Cada, Karen Young, Lili Taylor, Marisa Tomei, Matt Dillon, Thomas Lyons
Country: France, Germany, Italy, Norway, United States of America
Company: Bulbul Films, Canal+, Celluloid Dreams
Awards: 4 wins & 4 nominations
Budget: $1,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $2,708,087
1h 34minRelease: 2005
Release Date: 2005-04-25
IMDb: 6.6
TMDB: 6.2
Rotten Tomatoes: 74%
Metacritic: 71
FilmAffinity: 6.2