Evil Ed
“Evil Ed” is a Swedish horror-comedy film that follows a mild-mannered film editor named Ed, who is assigned to work on a series of gory horror films. As he becomes increasingly immersed in the violent content, Ed’s grip on reality begins to unravel, leading to a series of bizarre and darkly comedic events.
Views: 67
Director: Anders Jacobsson
Actors: Camela Leierth, Cecilia Ljung, Gert Fylking, Hans Wilhelmsson, Johan Rudebeck, Kim Sulocki, Memory Garp, Michael Kallaanvaara, Olof Rhodin, Per Löfberg
Country: Sweden
Company: Evil Ed Productions, Smart Egg Pictures
Budget: 250,000
1h 33minRelease: 1995
Release Date: 1995-11-01
IMDb: 5.5
TMDB: 5.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 49%
FilmAffinity: 4.8