Everesuto: Kamigami no itadaki
Makoto Fukamachi, portrayed by Junichi Okada, is a Japanese photographer who stumbles upon an antique camera in a Nepalese alleyway. This discovery could potentially unravel the enigma surrounding George Mallory’s historic attempt to be the first to conquer Mount Everest on June 8, 1924. As Fukamachi delves into the camera’s history, he encounters the renowned mountaineer Joji Habu, played by Hiroshi Abe. Habu is a solitary figure, distanced from others due to his impulsive and inconsiderate nature.
Views: 35
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Director: Hideyuki Hirayama
Actors: Hiroshi Abe, Junichi Okada, Kuranosuke Sasaki, Machiko Ono, Masahiro Koumoto, Pierre Taki, Sergey Kuvaev, Shunsuke Kazama, Thilen Lhondup
Country: Japan
Company: Asmik Ace Entertainment, Kadokawa, Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)
Worldwide Gross: $9,901,480