Etiquette for Mistresses
“Etiquette for Mistresses,” directed by Chito S. Roño, follows the lives of five women navigating the complexities and societal judgments of being mistresses to powerful men in Manila. As they form a bond, they confront personal dilemmas and the harsh realities of their unconventional relationships, all while adhering to a set of unwritten rules that govern their secretive world.
Views: 41
Director: Chito S. Roño
Actors: Arci Muñoz, Cheena Crab, Cherry Pie Picache, Claudine Barretto, Eddie Gutierrez, Iza Calzado, Kim Chiu, Kris Aquino, Sam Concepcion, Zoren Legaspi
Country: Philippines
Company: ABS-CBN Film Productions, Star Cinema
Awards: 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,983,655