Enemies In-Law
Chul-Soo, the sole heir of a notorious family of thieves, finds himself enamored with Young-Hee, a police officer hailing from a family of law enforcers. In order to gain her parents’ approval for marriage, Chul-Soo decides to take the police officer exam. However, both families are determined to thwart their union.
Views: 38
Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance
Director: Kim Jin Young
Actors: Chung Sung-hwa, Hong Jong-hyun, Jeon Soo-kyung, Jeon Su-gyeong, Jeon Su-kyung, Jin Se-yeon, Kim Eung-Soo, Lee Jun-hyeok, Park Eun-hye, Shin Jung-geun, Shin Jung-keun
Country: South Korea
Company: Lotte Entertainment