Dyke Hard
“Dyke Hard,” directed by Bitte Andersson, is a quirky, action-packed comedy that follows a struggling lesbian rock band on a wild road trip to compete in a battle of the bands. Along the way, they encounter a series of bizarre and hilarious obstacles, including ninjas, cyborgs, and a haunted mansion, all while celebrating themes of friendship and self-discovery.
Views: 21
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Music, Science Fiction
Director: Bitte Andersson
Actors: Alexi Carpentieri, Alle Eriksson, Anitha Nygårds, Engla Famne, Iki Gonzalez Magnusson, Josephine Krieg, Lina Kurttila, Maria Wågensjö, Peggy Sands, Peter Ahlgren
Country: Sweden
Company: Filmlance International, Filmlance International AB, Tribad
Awards: 2 nominations
Budget: 1,850,000