Doll House
“Doll House” follows the journey of an 11-year-old girl who escapes her previous life and finds herself in a care facility, clutching nothing but a dollhouse. She remains silent and is inseparable from her doll, which draws the mockery of the other kids. Mysteriously, individuals begin vanishing, only to reappear as miniature figures within the dollhouse. An ominous force resides within the doll and its house, capturing the souls of the children to fulfill its sinister goal of achieving life.
Views: 60
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Steven M. Smith
Actors: Jake Taviner, Jennifer Leahey, Kate Lush, Louisa Warren, Luke Stevenson, Mark Wingett, Paul Danan, Sarah Dorsett, Toyah Willcox
Country: United Kingdom
Company: ChampDog Films, Greenway Entertainment, Rellik Films
Budget: $30,000