In this 2019 movie helmed by Fabio Resinaro, the story follows a writer facing challenges who eventually achieves success when his book is turned into a film. However, the situation becomes ominous as the distinction between his fictional world and real life starts to fade, resulting in unforeseen and exciting outcomes. Lorenzo Richelmy delivers a standout performance in the film. It is available for free streaming on Soap2day for those who wish to watch it.
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Director: Fabio Resinaro
Actors: Alessandro Cremona, Armando De Razza, Claudia Gerini, Francesco Montanari, Iaia Forte, Libero De Rienzo, Lorenzo Richelmy, Luca Barbareschi, Luca Vecchi, Valentina Bellè
Country: Italy
Company: Casanova Multimedia, Milk & Honey Pictures, Rai Cinema
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $240,651