“Dogfight,” directed by Nancy Savoca, is a poignant coming-of-age drama set in 1963, following a young Marine named Eddie Birdlace who, on the eve of his deployment to Vietnam, participates in a cruel game with his fellow Marines to find the ugliest date. However, his encounter with Rose, a shy and idealistic waitress, leads to unexpected connections and personal growth, challenging his perceptions and values.
Views: 47
Director: Nancy Savoca
Actors: Anthony Clark, Christina Mastin, Christopher Shaw, Elizabeth Daily, Holly Near, Lili Taylor, Mitchell Whitfield, Richard Panebianco, River Phoenix, Sue Morales
Country: United States of America
Company: Warner Bros.
Awards: 1 nomination
Worldwide Gross: $394,631
1h 34minRelease: 1991
Release Date: 1991-09-13
IMDb: 7.3
TMDB: 6.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
Metacritic: 56
FilmAffinity: 6.7