Dog Day Afternoon
“Dog Day Afternoon,” directed by Sidney Lumet, is a gripping crime drama based on a true story, where a bank robbery intended to be a quick heist spirals into a tense hostage situation. As the media and police surround the bank, the robbers face unexpected challenges, revealing their personal motivations and the complexities of their lives.
Views: 107
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Sidney Lumet
Actors: Al Pacino, Beulah Garrick, Carol Kane, Charles Durning, Chris Sarandon, James Broderick, John Cazale, Penelope Allen, Sandra Kazan, Sully Boyar, William Bogert
Country: United States of America
Company: Artists Entertainment Complex, Warner Bros.
Awards: Won 1 Oscar, 14 wins & 20 nominations total
Budget: $1,800,000
Worldwide Gross: $50,002,721
2h 5minRelease: 1975
Release Date: 1975-09-21
IMDb: 8
TMDB: 7.8
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Metacritic: 86
FilmAffinity: 7.4