Doctor Strange
“Doctor Strange,” directed by Scott Derrickson, follows the journey of a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange, whose life changes forever after a car accident robs him of the use of his hands. In his quest for healing, he discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions, ultimately becoming a powerful sorcerer tasked with protecting the world from mystical threats.
Views: 159
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Scott Derrickson
Actors: Adam Pelta-Pauls, Alaa Safi, Alice Chen, Alister Albert, Amy Landecker, Andreas Pliatsikas, Anna Elizabeth Eaton, Annarie Boor, Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Benjamin Bratt, Bern Collaço, Cameron Moon, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Chris Hemsworth, Clem So, Cliff Ferraro, Daniel Dow, Daniel Eghan, Dante Briggins, Eben Young, Elizabeth Healey, Emeson Nwolie, Emily Ng, Ezra Khan, Faith Logan, Guillaume Faure, Henardo Rodriguez, Jag Patel, Jill Buchanan, Juani Feliz, Katrina Durden, Kei Miura, Kimberly Van Luin, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Leigh Holland, Linda Louise Duan, Mads Mikkelsen, Mairead Armstrong, Mark Anthony Brighton, Martavious Gayles, Meera Syal, Michael Stuhlbarg, Michelle Santiago, Mo Idriss, Moya Allen, Nancy Ellen Shore, Pat Kiernan, Pezhmaan Alinia, Rachel Emma Slack, Rachel McAdams, Raj Awasti, Samantha Russell, Sarah Malin, Scott Adkins, Shina Shihoko Nagai, Sian Francis, Stan Lee, Tamika Katon-Donegal, Tilda Swinton, Tina Simmons, Topo Wresniwiro, Tyrone Love, Ulises Galeano, Umit Ulgen, Zara Phythian
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Awards: Nominated for 1 Oscar, 21 wins & 68 nominations total
Budget: $165,000,000
Worldwide Gross: $677,796,833
1h 55minRelease: 2016
Release Date: 2016-10-25
IMDb: 7.5
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Metacritic: 72
FilmAffinity: 6.5