Diamond Ruff
In this gripping tale, Diamond Ruff, an orphan who has risen to become a cunning con artist and influential crime boss, finds himself wrongfully imprisoned for a murder he didn’t commit. While behind bars, he encounters Reverend Trek Woods, whose compassion, integrity, and spiritual faith leave a profound impact on him. As Ruff develops feelings for April, a young woman battling a terminal illness, he faces new challenges that push him towards personal growth and transformation. The question of his redemption looms large, with no straightforward answers in sight. Starring Felicia Pearson, Fredro Starr, and Michael Barra.
Views: 24
Genre: Action
Director: Alec Asten
Actors: Heriberto Pagan, Joshua Eaddy, Mark Thompson, Warren Richards
Country: United States of America
Company: Young! Studios
Budget: $500,000