Desert of Blood
In this horror film, a vampire named Luis Diego, portrayed by Justin Quinn, has been entombed under the Mexican desert for half a century. His slumber is disturbed when a treasure hunter inadvertently revives him, reigniting his desire for revenge. However, his encounter with a captivating mortal woman, played by Brenda Romero, sparks hope for redemption and romance. As he struggles to suppress his vampiric urges, Luis discovers that taming the beast within is a formidable challenge. The film also features Naím Thomas.
Views: 30
Genre: Horror
Director: Don Henry
Actors: Annika Svedman, Brenda Romero, Flint Esquerra, Justin Quinn, Mike Dusi, Naím Thomas
Country: United States of America
Company: Encantado Films, Snowfall Films, Thats Hollywood