Dean Spanley
“Dean Spanley,” directed by Toa Fraser, is a whimsical tale set in Edwardian England, where the reserved Fisk family finds their lives intertwined with the eccentric Dean Spanley, who reveals extraordinary insights during a series of unusual dinner conversations. As the story unfolds, themes of memory, reincarnation, and the bond between fathers and sons are explored with humor and poignancy.
Views: 51
Director: Toa Fraser
Actors: Art Malik, Bryan Brown, Jeremy Northam, Judy Parfitt, Peter O'Toole, Ramon Tikaram, Sam Neill
Country: New Zealand, United Kingdom
Company: Atlantic Film Productions, General Film Corporation, New Zealand Film Commission
Awards: 7 wins & 8 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,455,824
1h 40minRelease: 2008
Release Date: 2008-12-12
IMDb: 7.2
TMDB: 7.4
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
FilmAffinity: 6.4