Deadtime Stories
“Deadtime Stories,” directed by Jeffrey Delman, is a horror anthology film that weaves together three chilling tales, each with a darkly comedic twist on classic fairy tales. The stories are narrated by an uncle trying to lull his nephew to sleep, blending elements of horror, fantasy, and humor in a unique storytelling experience.
Views: 37
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Jeffrey Delman
Actors: Brian DePersia, Cathryn de Prume, Kathy Fleig, Kevin Hannon, Matt Mitler, Melissa Leo, Michael Mesmer, Nicole Picard, Phyllis Craig, Scott Valentine
Country: United States of America
Company: Scary Stuff
Worldwide Gross: $2,750,741
1h 33minRelease: 1986
Release Date: 1986-04-13
IMDb: 4.7
TMDB: 5.0
Rotten Tomatoes: 0%
FilmAffinity: 4.3