A group of young delinquents are assigned to a community service program, where they unexpectedly forge a strong bond. Despite their diverse social backgrounds, they realize they share many similarities and become a tight-knit group. Danny develops feelings for Lola, a straight girl who mistakenly believes Danny is a boy. What begins as a misunderstanding evolves into a serious situation, leaving Danny deeply involved. Meanwhile, Ravi is secretly dating a new guy and is determined to keep it under wraps. Alex harbors feelings for Danny but is reluctant to acknowledge them, growing envious when Danny receives attention from others. As they navigate their web of secrets and deceptions, each of them must confront their responsibilities and reflect on the decisions they’ve made.
Views: 23
Director: Veronica Fearon
Actors: Anthony Pius, Gustavo Castro, Jahphyah Payne, Joseph Dewey, Laura Carr, Lisha Jordan, Naomi Chester, Rashid Matabaro, Rochelle Payne, Rosa Caines
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Mediae Company