Dangerous Ishhq
“Dangerous Ishhq,” directed by Vikram Bhatt, is a supernatural thriller that follows the story of Sanjana, a successful supermodel, who embarks on a journey through her past lives to rescue her kidnapped boyfriend, Rohan. As she delves into her previous incarnations, she uncovers a pattern of love and betrayal that spans centuries, revealing the true nature of her relationship with Rohan.
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Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Director: Vikram Bhatt
Actors: Arya Babbar, Divya Dutta, Gracy Singh, Jimmy Shergill, Karisma Kapoor, Rajneesh Duggal, Ravi Shah, Ruslaan Mumtaz, Sameer Kochhar
Country: India
Company: BVG Films, DAR Motion Pictures, Reliance Entertainment
Awards: 1 win & 2 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $1,062,825