“Dan-Dream,” directed by Jesper Rofelt, is a Danish comedy that follows a group of quirky entrepreneurs in the 1980s as they embark on an ambitious project to create the world’s first electric car. Set in a small town, the film humorously explores themes of innovation, teamwork, and the challenges of pursuing big dreams against all odds.
Views: 52
Director: Jesper Rofelt
Actors: Casper Christensen, Dawn Wall, Frank Hvam, Jacob Ulrik Lohmann, Kristian Fjord, Louisa Yaa Aisin, Magnus Millang, Mia Lyhne, Niclas Vessel Kølpin, Peter Gantzler
Country: Denmark
Company: Det Danske Filminstitut, FilmFyn, Nutmeg Movies
Awards: 2 nominations