Dügün Dernek
“Düğün Dernek,” directed by Selçuk Aydemir, is a Turkish comedy that follows a group of friends in a small town as they come together to organize an extravagant wedding on a tight budget. The film humorously explores the chaos and camaraderie that ensue as they navigate a series of unexpected challenges and cultural mishaps.
Views: 59
Genre: Comedy
Director: Selçuk Aydemir
Actors: Ahmet Kural, Barış Yıldız, Devrim Yakut, Erol Aksoy, İnan Ulaş Torun, Kemal İnci, Murat Cemcir, Rasim Öztekin, Şinasi Yurtsever, Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Zerrin Sümer
Country: Turkey
Awards: 3 wins & 3 nominations
Budget: $2,500,000
Worldwide Gross: $36,185,741