The film intimately explores the life of 37-year-old Cristina, who encounters both a new romance and an insurmountable challenge. As she strives to convey a message of hope and living in the moment, Cristina battles her second bout with cancer, which takes a toll on her weakening body, yet her affection for Bruce only intensifies. Bruce remains by her side, balancing his job and financial difficulties. The narrative delves into Cristina’s profound love, which uplifts and supports her. Faced with the choice between experiencing this deep, genuine love alongside cancer or being cancer-free without ever knowing true love, what would her decision be? Her surprising responses are captured on film by seasoned director Michèle Ohayon.
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Genre: Documentary, Drama
Director: Michèle Ohayon
Actors: Cristina Weigmann
Country: United States of America
Company: Kavana Entertainment