Cradle of Fear
“Cradle of Fear,” directed by Alex Chandon, is a horror anthology film that intertwines four gruesome tales of terror, all connected by a sinister figure known as The Man, played by Dani Filth. As a detective investigates a series of brutal murders, the film delves into themes of vengeance and the supernatural, creating a chilling narrative that explores the darkest corners of human nature.
Views: 50
Genre: Horror
Director: Alex Chandon
Actors: Al Stokes, Dani Filth, David McEwen, Edmund Dehn, Eileen Daly, Emily Booth, Emma Rice, Louie Brownsell, Rebecca Eden, Stuart Laing
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Pragmatic Pictures Ltd.
2minRelease: 2001
Release Date: 2001-07-04
IMDb: 4.2
TMDB: 4.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 60%
FilmAffinity: 3.2