Coming & Going
“Coming & Going” is a cheeky romantic comedy that explores the lengths one might go to win over their beloved. The story follows Lee, portrayed by Rhys Darby, a talented young obstetrician-gynecologist who excels in his profession but struggles with self-assurance in social situations, particularly with women. After a minor accident confines him to a wheelchair temporarily, he encounters Alex, played by Sasha Alexander, the woman of his dreams. Believing that her interest in him is due to his condition, Lee decides to continue using the wheelchair even after his recovery, in hopes of securing her affection. This film delves into the theme of love and the extraordinary measures people take to attain it.
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Director: Edoardo Ponti
Actors: Brian Hooks, Carla Gallo, Fionnula Flanagan, Ivana Miličević, Mather Zickel, Michael Cornacchia, Pam Cook, Pam Cooke, Rhys Darby, Sasha Alexander, Vivian Bang
Country: United States of America
Company: Bennett-Robbins Productions, Films 1420m, PicturePlay Films