In “Clementine,” directed by Lara Gallagher, a heartbroken woman named Karen retreats to her estranged ex-girlfriend’s lake house, where she becomes entangled in a complex relationship with a mysterious younger woman named Lana. As the two women navigate their growing connection, Karen is forced to confront her past and the emotional turmoil that brought her to the secluded setting.
Views: 45
Genre: Drama
Director: Lara Gallagher
Actors: Alissa Jessup, Camille Carpenter, Clinton Evans, Gregory Brady, Meeko, Otmara Marrero, Sean Sisson, Sonya Walger, Sydney Sweeney, Will Brittain
Country: United States of America
Company: High Pony Pictures, Revery
Awards: 6 wins & 5 nominations
1h 34minRelease: 2019
Release Date: 2019-04-27
IMDb: 5.1
TMDB: 4.9
Rotten Tomatoes: 63%
Metacritic: 55
FilmAffinity: 4.6