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Citizen Gangster

Citizen Gangster

“Citizen Gangster,” directed by Nathan Morlando, follows the story of Edwin Boyd, a World War II veteran who turns to bank robbery to support his family in post-war Toronto. As Boyd becomes a notorious criminal, he struggles with the consequences of his actions and the impact on his personal life.

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Views: 32

Genre: CrimeDramaHistory


Actors: , , , , , , , , ,


Company: , ,

Awards: 1 win & 7 nominations

Budget: $5,000,000

Worldwide Gross: $625

Duration: 01:45 1h 45min


Release Date: 2011-09-10

IMDb: 6.1

462310 1

TMDB: 5.5

Rotten Tomatoes: 56%

Metacritic: 56

FilmAffinity: 5.4